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Some unofficial titles I have given to myself, or been given by people close to me...
  • 🍝 Nudelbeauftragte "Noodle Commissioner": A title my partner gave me. Whenever we cook spaghetti or pasta, my primary responsibility is to regularly stir the noodles so that they don't stick to the bottom of the pot. I found the importance of this task too underestimated; every kitchen should have a Nudelbeauftragte so that one always has perfectly cooked noodles. In my opinion, it is more crucial and substantial than many research works.
  • 🧀 Käsevielfaltaktivist "Cheese Diversity Activist": As a typical half-Mongolian who grew up in Inner Mongolia, I cannot say enough how much I love cheese (and diary products in general). Even after living for several years in Germany, I'm still deeply impressed by the diversity of cheese in Europe.

    My motto as Käsevielfaltaktivist: "Käse gut, alles gut." ("Cheese good, everything good.")

  • 🥩 Pro-meat activist: My rebellion against vegetarianism and veganism.
Some German vocabularies coined by me...
  • Leckerhunger (uncountable noun; literally "Yummy-Hunger"): It describes the situation at meal time that you are actually full, but the food is so tasty that you still want to eat one more bite, and one more, and one more.
  • Käsehunger (uncountable noun; literally "Cheese-Hunger"): I'm so often attacked by a strong longing for cheese. I thought I need a word to describe this feeling - after all, if the German language even has words for every teeny-weeny such as "Kummerspeck" and "Vorfreude", why not just invent one for this?
Some things I like / some quirks of mine...
  • 🎨 Drawing fan arts:
    What's my favorite motive? See here.
  • 🎸 Rock / metal / goth / punk music:
    My favorite bands? Nightwish / Guns n' Roses / Metallica / Rammstein / Death in June / Sopor Aeternus / L’Âme Immortelle
    Recently became a fan of the Taiwanese band Collage.
  • 📜 Poems by Yuan Zhen (779-831) and lyrics by Jiang Kui (1155-1221), even if I'm not particularly a fan of literature.
  • 🏟️ Football: I'm a very new football fan, having just gotten into this sport during the European Championship 2024. Let's see how long my passion holds!
    My favorite players so far? Leroy Sané / Robert Lewandowski
  • 🍽️ Buffet: If you've read this far, you've probably already guessed that I love to eat. Yep, I eat a lot, even if my body figure might not indicate this.